Vykonávame servis autoumyvárok

Aj po odovzdaní postavenej autoumyvárky sa staráme o to, aby všetko fungovalo ako má. Záručný a pozáručný servis je samozrejmosťou. Vďaka našim skúsenostiam z praxe máte istotu, že budete vy aj váš biznis v dobrých rukách.

Enhance your business with VENDUNIT

Praktický automat na prenájom aj k vašej autoumyvárke. Ponúkajte prvotriedne čistiace prostriedky na zakúpenie svojim zákazníkom. Ponuku automatu ako aj podmienky prenájmu s vami radi prekonzultujeme osobne.

Postavíme vám samoobslužnú autoumyvárku

Aj toto môže byť vaša výzva k tomu, aby ste začali nový biznis. Postavíme vám samoobslužnú autoumyvárku na mieru podľa vašich požiadaviek a kritérií. To všetkos ohľadom na návratnosť vašich investícií.

We provide maintenance of car washes

Even after the handover of the completed car wash station, we make sure that everything works as it should. Warranty and post-warranty services are a matter of course for us. With our extensive experience, you can be confident that you and your business will be in good hands.

I am interested

Enhance your business with VENDUNIT

Practical vending machine for rent, also for your car wash. You can offer premium cleaning products for purchase to your customers. We will be happy to discuss the vending machine offer, as well as the rental conditions, directly with you.

I am interested

We will build a self-serviced car wash for you

Yet, this can be a call for you to start a new business. We will build a self-service car wash according to your requirements and criteria. All this with a focus on your return on investment.

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